"Excellence should NEVER be in moderation." - Master Chris Malarkey, 6th Dan


Wondering how to get into the mind of a true martial artist? Perfectionist? Competitor? Winner? Professional? Are you seeking the means to overall improvement? The power is in the pages! Welcome to the OFFICIAL CM Book Club guaranteed to sharpen your mind strengthen your resolve with time-tested literature every single month! 

For the spring of 2023, I urge you to grab yourself a copy of "Never Finished" by  retired Navy SEAL, ultra-distance racer, Guinness World Record holder, public speaker, & self-published author David Goggins. A sequel to his hit "Can't Hurt Me", David shares his keys to mental mastery in "Never Finished" eliminating motivation and installing a self-driven, can do atittude for any reader.


Never Finished

To become a member, simply send an e-mail to:

[email protected] and simply type in "bookclub."

Start turning those pages & mark up that book with notes!